No More Dental Amalgam Replacements! Enjoy the Beauty of Las Vegas White Fillings.

Welcome and thank you for taking the opportunity to learn a bit more about Las Vegas white fillings. Today, they are quickly becoming the best way to repair tooth decay as dental amalgam replacements take a back seat at most Las Vegas dental offices.

What Are Dental Amalgam Replacements?

Las Vegas dentistry has undergone numerous transformations over the years as modern technology replaced mercury-laden fillings with dental amalgam replacements that are now being replaced with white fillings. Dental amalgam replacements are easily recognized by their silver coloring. It is this color that often led to embarrassing moments for individuals who have several of them in their mouths. Fortunately, modern advances in dentistry have given us unique dental materials that can restore damaged teeth in a more pleasant and aesthetic manner, creating a more natural look to your teeth and for your smile.

Direct Composites

Different types of white fillings exist, but the most common one is the direct composite. Offering an attractive appearance, direct composites are crafted from quartz resin. White fillings are typically bonded in a single appointment.

Direct composites feature a light sensitive agent and can be used to fill any of the teeth in your mouth, including the front and back teeth. Due to the special blending of the composite materials, this type of white filling is capable of withstanding the type of force that is exerted when a person is chewing. Today’s white fillings are much stronger than the initial creations.

Indirect Composites

A second type of white filling is available for those instances when teeth in the back of the mouth require a stronger filling. Indirect composites necessitate two visits in order to assure proper bonding and placement. The indirect composite is created within a laboratory after the initial visit has taken place. During the second visit, this type of white filling is securely put into position in the tooth.

The Composite Process

The first step, as with any type of dental filling, is to remove all instances of decay. The tooth is then prepared to receive the filling. The dentin and existing enamel of the tooth are conditioned and then a thin resin is placed on the surface that has been etched out. Finally, the composite is put into place and hardened through the use of an intense light that is shined upon the composite for a period of about forty seconds. The patient should never look at the light directly. Since the dentist or dental assistant complete this procedure frequently, it is necessary for them to shield their eyes to avoid unnecessary damage.

Patients are able to eat right away since the white filling is completely hardened by the light. However, your dentist may recommend that you wait for 30 to 60 minutes.

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